A few weeks ago I was at a cabin up north with some friends. I was sleeping on the porch having a dream of kissing a short haired, brunette German woman. I woke up to my friends German shorthair pointer French kissing me.

Ugh! Dreams!

So believe me, I was brushing and rinsing like no tomorrow! The truth is our microbiomes do better when we allow exposure to bugs. Exposing yourself to bugs and dirt, is like working out for your immune system. Now, if your immune system hasn’t been working out, you might want to ease into it before you start making out with dogs.

The massive shift to germ free living with COVID (ie masks, hand sanitizer, less exposure to other people) has basically made many immune systems like couch potatoes- very weak! I am not saying you should disregard cleanliness, no no no, hygiene and sterile are two totally different things.  You need small exposure to lots of bugs to let your immune system build up and strengthen.

As we enter into cold, flu, and COVID season, it is vitally important to feed your immune system with what it needs to strengthen itself when it encounters challenges. Below is a  list of our supplements that will help you through “cfc” season hopefully unscathed.

In the meantime, watch out for those short hair German women with bad breath!
Immunity Building:

  1. Immuplex: 2-3/day or 3-4 if over 200 pounds and/or you are immuno-compromised
  2. Echinacea Premium: 1/day. Keeps your immune system on high alert.
  3. Cataplex D: 1-2/day. More in winter and you have light skin.
  4. SP Children’s Immune– 2 wafers daily

Infected with COVID but asymptomatic

  1. Congaplex: 4/day
  2. Echinacea Premium: 1/day
  3. Zinc Chelate: 2/day

Infected and Sick with symptoms

  1. Congaplex: 10/day about 1/hour(ish)
  2. Echinacea Premium: 2-3/day
  3. Zinc Chelate: 5/day
  4. Cataplex D: 1-2/day

Post COVID/Illness

  1. Immuplex: 2-3/day.
  2. Zinc Chelate: 4/day until you get your smell and taste back, then reduce to 1/day.
  3. Cataplex D: 1/day
  4. Cellular Vitality: 3/day helps to rebuild mitochondria in cells which restores energy and battles fatigue after infection

*Epimune Complex is a vegetarian, vegan, non-dairy and non-soy replacement for both Congaplex and Immuplex.

*Zinc in a bioavailable form (meaning chelated/bound to nutrients that help it absorb) is vital to smell and taste which is why that is a symptom in COVID.  Zinc is vital in fighting the virus and then it becomes depleted, causing the loss of smell and taste.

Read past blogs here