You’ll never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.

John C. Maxwell – American Author

We hope you had a Merry Christmas and will have a happy New Year! The above quote is relevant as we approach the New Year where we all have high hopes of creating a better life physically, mentally, and spiritually. These high goals often fall short because we fail to heed the advice above.

To succeed, we must gain momentum in changing our daily routine and our habits. Work on identifying your goals and implement no more than one change a month or even one every other month.

For instance, after I tested my gut microbiome (a test we sell at the clinic) I realized I wasn’t eating enough fermented probiotic foods. So I shopped, yes I shopped, to change my habits. I purchased whole 5% Fage yogurt, Cleveland Sauerkraut, First Aide Kombucha, kefir, and apple cider vinegar for both at my house and office. I have a couple bites, spoonfuls, or sips a day of each. It has increase my tolerance of sour and bitter which in turn helps my digestion and actually has helped change my snacking routine.

So identify your goal and work that goal until it is your habit/routine. Then you build again! All the sudden you get to a tipping point where your health is rock solid.

If you would like to join us in our Detox, it is still available in either Chai or Unflavored.  Even if you do not join us formally -the detox booklet is available at the SP website. You can still participate in the dietary recommendations and signup for the Standard Process  emails for free support.

The dietary reset is a good way to undo the post holiday blues which actually happen because we eat so many refined foods. When you eat that way it depletes our B vitamins which are integrally tied to mood, energy, heart and adrenal function.

So don’t have a post blue Christmas! Get after it and change your life one goal at a time!

Happy New Year and God Bless