Happy Thanksgiving week!! Doc, what are you talking about? Have you not been paying attention to 2020?  Yes I have and there are tons of reasons to be thankful and why this year is a great one: more family time, house projects getting done, staying local helps you realize what a great place we live and the list can go on!

Did you know that the Pilgrims did not first host Thanksgiving just to thank their Native American friends? They invited their Native American friends to give thanks AND share their bounty.

Yes, give thanks for all the bounty that you have and more will come to you. That which you put your attention to, you attract to yourself. So give thanks and show gratitude, not just on Thanksgiving but everyday of the year. Make it habit and see how much better your life becomes!

Your life will be filled with abundance- and I’m not talking money.  Abundance in love, laughs, passion, and happiness.

In my professional life, I am eternally grateful for my wonderful staff. Without them, we could not share our gifts and talents with you. We are also ever thankful that you have chosen us to be a part of your health and wellness and we pray that you all have a blessed Thanksgiving.

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