Over 80% of all adults will suffer from back pain at some point in their life. We identify what is causing the pain and restore normal function to the spine. Using spinal adjustments, decompression therapy, laser, muscle stimulation, home exercise, and nutrition we find the options that will improve your condition. Back pain is the number one cause of lost time at work. We want you to not only be able to work, but be able to play. Chiropractic care is the perfect place to turn when confronted with back pain.

“Dr Dan is Excellent! I’ve tried a lot of chiropractors over the years & he’s one of the best!”
“I’ve never had a better chiropractor (both husband and wife are excellent) and I’ve both lived in many places and used the services of many different chiropractors. The staff is warm and professional. Their goal is to get you feeling better. I would strongly recommend them.”
“Dr Dan and Jean have helped me through pregnancy, labor/delivery, and hip pain from running. As an Acupuncturist myself, I respect their level of education and clinical experience. I just can’t say enough about the professional healthcare they offer our community!”